

Innovating for a better future

As Design at Business represents a diverse community of creators, innovators, and change makers that collaborate for advancing the adoption of meaningful innovation practices, it drives programs that unite contributors to work together.

Skill-Ups Around the Globe

Program Lead
Jose dos Santos


North American Chapter

50 % of all employees will need reskilling by 2025

Data from the World Economic Forum reports that 50% of all workers will need reskilling by 2025.


Design at Business will contribute to that reskilling challenge. We will use our Chapters around the world to identify the areas that are the priority for reskilling, and we will use our talented members to provide the necessary insights and training.


  • Tap into the experience and know-how of DatB selected partners 
  • Understand context for design in the future, work closely with Future Trends and internal partners
  • Build a menu of ‘unique nuggets’
  • Explore programs that have space in between for application
  • Explore how to put a stamp of DatB on it, make it valuable
  • Work closely with Social Project for holistic approach to program, where companies support less privileged people by sending their employees
  • Focus on two to three, perhaps multi-year, high impact offerings.


(Innovating Innovation)

Program Lead

Maarten Rincker


European Chapter

An inspiring program that will help community participants and their organizations to innovate their approach to innovation so they are better equipped to tackle their most pressing challenges.

It will explore, developing and testing new innovation methodologies and business strategies in the real-life context or organizations.


It will help the community and participating organization to push the boundaries, create thought  leadership and strengthen their ability to innovate; it aims to deliver actual innovation, publications and abody of knowledge that can be shared through exclusive training sessions.


Because we feel huge challenges on sustainability, energy, healthcare and education, present us with ethical & social dilemmas.

Dilemmas that need systemic change and go well beyond the scope of separate organizations.

We need to innovate how we approach and collaborate to improve on such dilemma's


  • Establish a shared body of knowledge
  • Understand the strategic innovation challenges
  • Define innovation project to innovate innovation ;-)
  • Develop new innovation methodologies
  • Experiment new innovation methodologies
  • Distribute and publish new innovation methodologies


Program Lead
John Wai Lam

(Jones Lang LaSalle)

European Chapter

The global program of "Future Trends" at Design at Business will cover and explore all relevant aspects within the discourse of strategic foresight and design management. 

This program looks at all sorts of future engagements and relevant topics that will 

contribute to actively adding to the value proposition of the DatB Community. 


Quoting Professor Tony Fry‘s „Design Futuring“ (2009), this global program shall intend and conceive: 

„The making of an environment of care“. 

Designing Future is a responsibility. 


  • sparkling curiosity to identify topics of the future (interdisciplinary fields)
  • embracing quality-based content with looking ahead and anticipating trends.
  • fostering with all its implications are the intrisic driver and motivations of this group, we are shifting from commodities to experiences, to moving towards a purpose economy. 
  • acknowledging change in the context of society, economic and environment
  • exchanging on subject matter expertise
  • collaborating on relevant topics and engage actively through knowledge/network sharing
  • capturing and formalising content from future interactions through various formats (e.g. publications/articles…)
  • embracing a positive attitude to accomplish projects and initiatives as community 


Get in touch with your chapter leads or with me directly to find out more on this program.

Happy to setup some coffee time and exchange with you on sparkling ideas and visions. 

Program Lead

Christine Wenzel

European Chapter

Initiative for Society

The program "Initiative for sustainability" is focused on the application of innovation practices generating an impact in society. 

The team works closely with the other programs to create synergies, apply approaches and enable outcomes from SKILL UP, CO CREATE and FUTURE TRENDS.


“Genius is in the idea. Impact, however, comes from action.” Simon Sinek

At DatB, we join forces, create bridges and collaborate for advancing the adoption of meaningful innovation practices both in business and society at large.

We see ourselves not only responsible for evolving innovation practices but also making a purposeful impact in society.

With the program "Initiative for Society", we are offering an environment for EVERYONE to apply these new approaches.


  • DatB members are applying innovation and collaborating in projects around the globe
  • spreading and offering knowledge to those who don't have easy access
  • creating synergies between the DatB programs
  • Design and impact the future together
  • Supporting projects with societal impact
  • personal and professional growth of our DatB members


Get in touch with the program lead directly if you are interested in building the concept for this program together, if you have ideas and/or connections to projects that might be interesting for us to support and get involved in.

Please note that this program will be picked up in fall 2022.