Innovation Coach Program

Applying the mindset - Understanding mindset and commitment to drive innovation culture
How can you bring an innovation mindset back to your business? Transformation within the Nespresso Business and the personal transformation.
How-to Design Thinking
Die 3 wichtigsten Bausteine, um innovative Produkte für Kunden zu bauen. Dieser Erfahrungsbericht zeigt, wie Design Thinking dabei hilft, die richtigen Lösungen zu finden und wie dieser Prozess sogar Silo- und Unternehmensgrenzen durchbrechen kann. Die wichtigsten Elemente beim Einsatz von Innovationsmethoden im Überblick.

Do you really need a Design Thinking Certification ...
… aren’t you already a Design Thinking Professor?”, my former boss asked me when I reported that I will join the Design Thinking Coach Education of Nestlé. Last December I graduated and here are my reflections on the value of the program for me and for the Design Thinking community. By Timo Sackmann