Posts tagged with "Skill-up"

Meetup Almas Cariocas at Museum of Tomorrow - Rio de Janeiro
Dia 5 de maio, de 17h às 18h (BRT) Local: Museu do Amanhã Vamos nos reunir e nos emocionar com cariocas (de berço e de alma) que representam a alma criativa, flexível, e o jeito de gerar impactos positivos no social, no ambiente, na inovação e nas artes.
Exciting news for innovation leaders and transformation agents in Brazil!
Design at Business Brazil joined forces with Deep Dive Rio for offering a unique experience. Be part of a free 2h Master Class (in Portuguese language) with Luciano Siani.

Cascading effect - Changing the mindset and understanding the bigger picture
"Especially if you change your mindset, you start believing in yourself more, rethinking problems and development. It is like a cascading effect. I went from Design Thinking, new ways of Design Thinking, brainstorming, learning more techniques, and storytelling ...
Applying the mindset - Understanding mindset and commitment to drive innovation culture
How can you bring an innovation mindset back to your business? Transformation within the Nespresso Business and the personal transformation.

Revising Portfolios with Design Thinking
Discussion and brainstorm around the challenges and tips to creating portfolios for designers who work in larger organizations / design thinking in all its nuances and complexity
Demonstrating the value of design in organizations
Session’s focus: How teams have demonstrated the value of design to their company leadership (and what has worked / hasn’t)

Cataloging insights for reuse
We created a space to share what has worked and what folks are continuing to prototype when it comes to sharing, collating, and curating past and future research.
What a year! DatB Brazil 2020 Retrospctive
When we founded the community in March 2019, we didn't know exactly how far it would go, but when the pandemic arrived in mid-April 2020, the expectation was that we would not be able to go much further. However, the numbers show a very different reality. In a year which the protagonism, collaboration and adaptability to change spoke louder, Design at Business delivered great results that will now be shared with you.

Breaking The Ice - Workshop (Hebrew)
Each design thinking workshop begins with a warm-up exercise. We call it "Ice Breaker". Ice breakers set the ground for a fruitful, open, creative and flowing discussion. Design at Business Israel invites you to a virtual meeting where we will review and practice Ice Breakers and discuss their impact on the success of the workshop The session will be held in hebrew.
North America Skill-up Meetup
Vision Storyboarding with Mural & Scenes. Learn how to make your ideas tangible in order to show the value and product visions in their context of use.